Archivio Giorgio Pulici

Giorgio Pulici is a renowned image consultant for many prestigious brands in the Italian fashion scene, a virtuoso of visual merchandising. By converging and interweaving the worlds of fashion and furnishing, he has created stylish collections that could be considered seasonal, the typical trait of catwalks, with special focus on colours, linings, workmanship and finishes. He partnered with Rinascente in the 1970s and 1980s, training an entire generation of young professionals.

The works proposed include window dressing projects for Rinascente, Milan, and photographs of window dressing and interior fittings designed by Giorgio Pulici for the department store’s Milan and Cagliari branches.

@Archivio Giorgio Pulici, all rights reserved.

La moda italiana del Raion e del Fiocco. X Mostra alla Rinascente

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Giorgio Pulici

Progetto per allestimento di vetrine

Buon Natale

Giorgio Pulici

Progetto per allestimento di vetrine

Vetrina casalinghi

Giorgio Pulici

la Rinascente Milano, Piazza del Duomo

Archivio Giorgio Pulici

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