Archivio storico - Intesa Sanpaolo

The Intesa Sanpaolo Group has a very ancient history dating as far back as 1539, date of establishment of the Banco di Napoli, now the Istituto Banco di Napoli - Fondazione. Over the centuries, the numerous entities that make up the Group have fostered strong bonds and a variety of relationship models with their territories. The documents accrued at the oldest banks are an immense source of knowledge that should be accessible to and valued by academics of today and tomorrow.
The Archive was established in 1984 as the Historical Archive of the Banca Commerciale Italiana.
In January 2003 the Unified Historical Archive was set up by Banca Intesa and is a substantial legacy of documents pertaining to the three oldest banks: Cassa di Risparmio delle Provincie Lombarde (1823), Banco Ambrosiano Veneto (1892), and Banca Commerciale Italiana (1894).
The management of the historical documents of the Istituto Mobiliare Italiano (IMI), established in Rome in 1931, was added in March 2009. Available for consultation in Turin is the Historical Archive of the Compagnia San Paolo, which preserves documents relating to the Compagnia di San Paolo (1563 - 1853) and the Istituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino (1853 - 1991).

The selection presented here includes papers from the archive of the Banca Commerciale for the period 1923-1936: they are mainly from the Fondo Sofindit, which houses Segreterie Industriali della Comit papers regarding studies and reports on the financial, accounting and commercial situation of Rinascente. The same subjects are also handled in certain documents from the Administrative Offices of Chief Executives Giuseppe Toeplitz and Raffaele Mattioli, Accounting, the Board of Directors and the Steering Committee. Various other printed documents were added subsequently (annual reports, statutes and corporate publications). The report dated 1949 regarding the reconstruction of Palazzo La Rinascente in Piazza Duomo is from IMI’s historical archive.

© Archivio Storico - Intesa Sanpaolo, all rights reserved.

For more information

La Rinascente.
Studio del Prof. Adamoli
Esame della situazione patrimoniale ed economica


Archivio storico - Intesa Sanpaolo (ST 51.5)