Archivio Galati

The Archivio Galati is an historical, private archive put together by its creator’s passion for collecting. It proposes a figurative and study itinerary that begins with the birth of Art Nouveau and ends with the Second World War.

The majority of the works are original drawings or sketches. They document the activities of the most important Italian artists in the fields of illustrating and advertising during the first fifty years of the last century.

The selection presented here includes 15 original illustrations and 10 documents that testify to the collaboration between Marcello Dudovich and la Rinascente. There are also 124 photographs taken by Dudovich that mainly portray models posing, a confirmation of his preference for design based on silhouettes and absolutely real scenes of life; an intimate collection that reveals the inspiration for many illustrations and posters.

© Archivio Galati, all rights reserved.

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[Lettera della nipote Nives Comas Casati a Marcello Dudovich; sul verso, bozzetto a matita e acquerello su carta di figura femminile con tuta]

(Recto e verso)

Si legge: “Mettiti bene in testa che il tipo della ragazza sportiva di oggi è tutto diverso da quello che immaginavi tu – ai tuoi tempi – niente prepotenze da Lollo o estetica da statua – nel Io disegno la ragazza è vestita con la tuta di maglia nera che quasi tutte le sportive portano – Scrivi”.

Archivio Galati

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