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The historical archive of the Chamber of Commerce of Milan holds records dating from 1299 to 1960 and is divided into different sections: “Cimeli archive” (1299-1786), “pre-unification archive” (1786-1860), “post-unification archive” (1861-1920) and “modern archive” (1921-1960). The registry archive from 1960 onwards includes the records from the “Companies Registry” and “the Commercial Registry of Court of Milan”.
The selection of files available online, relating to the years 1853-1965 come from the historical archive Volume 1 of the “Companies Registry” and Volume 1 of the “Court Proceedings” in the Records Archive. The files can be downloaded in PDF format.
[Verbale di Deposito di Bilancio: Verbale di Assemblea del 15/05/1959 con presentazione del Bilancio al 31/01/1959 e relativo Rapporto del Collegio Sindacale]. Libro Verbale di Assemblea Generale Ordinaria 41° Esercizio 1958-1959
Archivio Storico della Camera di Commercio Milano (Sez. Moderna, Atti di Tribunale, Vol. I, Fasc. 30118)